The Great
Buddha Project
Project Finance
Our activity depends directly on financial aid from Buddhist organizations and institutions in Asia.
The New Sacred Land
This new Sacred Land will attract millions of pilgrims who are looking for the meaning of their life in the spirituality we all have within us.
White Jade Stone
The Foundation includes the construction of a 40 meter statue of the Buddha himself with a base of another 20 meters, made in Burmese white jadeite.
The seated statue of the Buddha of Cáceres will be one of the tallest on the planet and will constitute one of the emblematic images of Extremadura that will join the Spain brand in its presence in the Asian market.
Objectives of the Lumbini Garden Foundation Project:
1. Through “the culture of non-violence”, bring together and connect two different cultural spheres that need greater mutual knowledge: Asia and Europe.
2. Give content and dynamism to the Twinning agreement between the World Heritage cities: Cáceres and Lumbini.
3. Create a Buddhist Center for the diffusion of Buddhist philosophy and practices. It will be a non-sectarian religious center and open to all traditions and schools of Buddhism.
4. Due to the characteristics of the Buddhist Center and in addition to the tourist attractions of Cáceres as a World Heritage city, promote the city as both a tourist and pilgrimage destination for visitors from all over the world, paying special attention to Asian tourism.
5. Create the “Lumbini Center for University Studies for Peace” for the training in peace values from the Buddhist perspective. Cultural and knowledge exchange will be promoted through its own academic programs and in collaboration with university centers in Asia. It will work in collaboration with the University of Extremadura in favor of the principles of peace, freedom, equality, dignity and human rights with special attention to women and children.
6. Promote the exchange of knowledge in the areas of: agro-food, technological innovation, health and sports promotion.
7. Position the region of Extremadura and the city of Cáceres in Asia, while promoting the Spain brand and the external image of our country.
8. Support Extremadura companies in the export of their products to the Asian continent and in the management, development and construction of necessary infrastructures in Nepal.
9. In the urban developments included in the Lumbini Garden Complex, implement the constructive characteristics and measures necessary for the comprehensive protection of the environment and avoiding the harmful effects of climate change.
10. Cáceres will be able to declare itself the universal city of encounter of four cultures: Christian, Islamic, Judaic and Oriental.
City of Cáceres, Spain
The land of Cáceres, which will host a sacred figure for Buddhism, will be declared "Holy Land" by the Sangha of Asia
Cáceres, Spain and Lumbini, Nepal, cities which are both world heritage, signed on 2020, January the 10th, a treaty of town twinning that will bring about the building of the Great Buddha Maha Karuna. This colossal work intends to embody a symbol of peace and meeting of civilizations that stems from collaboration between Buddhism and the three Abrahamic religions (Christianism, Judaism and Islam) that have been present and have shaped from its origins the millenary city of Cáceres. The four religions represent 55% of all religious practice worldwide.
This compassionate Buddha symbolizes the light of Asia in his encounter with the other three religious beliefs to stand as a beacon that guides the human being in a change of conscience that Humanity asks for in their quest for peace.
The place where the Lumbini Garden complex will be located, will be declared Buddhist Sacred Land – the Fifth in the world and most relevant outside Asia – after a solemn sacralization ceremony where the mixing of earth from Cáceres and other Nepalese municipalities of Lumbini, Kapilavastu, Devadaha and Ramgram earths – donated to that effect – will be carried out. Those were places where important events in the Buddha’s life took place as it is found in different canonic texts from Buddhism.
Planned Infrastructures
Buddhist Center & Academic Center

The Great Maha Karuna
Central Peace Stupa; White Jade Buddha Statue (40 meters high).
Nepal, Myanmar, China, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan.
University – Peace Studies Center
Monastery with Residence
Thailand Temple Complex
Staff Residence
Sri Lanka Temple Complex
Laos Temple Complex
Yin and Yang
Meditation Center.
Burmesse Padoga
Shwegadon Stupa.
Parkin Area
Our project is a comprehensive center, which may fit to all socio-cultural and religious events around Buddhism. This Center should spread both the culture and the teachings, while allowing the practice of the Buddhist life.
The center will have a monastery with capacity for 20 resident and visiting monks. We want it to be an open center, far from the exclusivity of the ethnic centers that have developed so far in many countries. We want our center not to be identified with any one Buddhist school in particular and with all of them at the same time. We think that this decision will abound in the quality of teaching. We hope that the coexistence of monks of different traditions will be an enriching experience for all.
The facilities will be made available to all accredited Buddhist organizations, both monastic and secular, Spanish or foreigner, that need it for the development of their activities. The Buddhist center of the Lumbini Garden Complex wants to become a benchmark for openness, plurality and collaboration according to the ethical aspects that define Buddhist philosophy. If we are to integrate fundamental Buddhist ideas into the ideas of our Western society, we must show them to highly educated people. For that we need the best means. Our Center must have adequate space for academic and research activities, so as to allow the debate of ideas. The library should be a true meeting and exchange center. We consider this center as an expandable project in which the facilities of the Academic Center will be developed as demand requires it.
The New Maritime
Silk Road
The Belt and Road Initiative refers to the Economic Belt of the Silk Road and the Maritime Route of the 21st century. Abbreviated as BRIZNA (also known as One Belt, One Road, abbreviated OBOR) and NRS (New Silk Road), continuing the historical fact that “more than two millennia ago, the diligent and courageous people of Eurasia explored and opened new routes of commercial and cultural exchange linking the major civilizations of Asia, Europe and Africa, collectively called the Silk Road by later generations,” the project aims to connect Europe, Central and Southeast Asia and the Middle East.
The project starts with the reconstruction of the old Silk Road and the creation of a parallel maritime route, hence the name “Strip and Route.” The project affects 60 countries, 75% of the world’s known energy reserves, 70% of the world’s population and would generate 55% of the world’s
Both the religious, cultural and academic activities contemplated in our project would not be possible without the necessary funding. It would be naive to think that, in Spain or in Europe in general, with a Judeo-Christian tradition, the survival of a center of these characteristics would only be possible with the contributions of Spanish and European Buddhists or philo-Buddhists. If we only had that funding, the constant budgetary limitations would make the maintenance of the center unfeasible as a significant and continuous activity over time. Western Buddhists know that, for now and until our presence has more weight in our countries, our activity depends directly on financial aid from Buddhist organizations and institutions in Asia. Thus, the development of programs for cultural exchange, study and dissemination of Buddhism, as well as studies for peace will have the support of the sources of income derived from the different aspects that make up the Lumbini Garden project.
· Individuals
· Asian Countries
· Online Subsidies
· Private Financing
· Private Initiative
· Official Institutions
· Buddha Lumbini Group
· Lumbini Garden Foundation
· Peace Embassies of Asian countries
We live in tumultuous and confusing times. The circumstances in which most human beings live are very difficult and painful. A deep change of consciousness is needed for the human being to transform the components that undermine or even nullify our appreciation of love and compassion, and these could become part of our authentic nature again. By naming Cáceres as the Fifth Sacred Land of Buddhism, we open a new path to the heart of people, where that light so necessary at this time, resides. In addition to being able to be part of this change of paradigm in a conscious way, linked to it, there are many other consequences in the present times. If we realize that prosperity generates peace and comfort to ourselves and to our environment, we should understand that this change of consciousness is linked to all the fundamental aspects of people in their means of expressing themselves; thus, it would be wonderful to see societies where selfishness is transformed into love for others and not to give so much prominence to the character within us. As a result, we will think, perceive, feel and act from the comprehension and calm that the manifestation of "BEING" brings. This new Sacred Land, will attract millions of pilgrims who are looking for the meaning of their life in the spirituality we all have within us. That is why there will be a before and an after and, through peace and harmony, prosperity will be brought by changing this World for a better one, in harmony with what surrounds us, in respect for the land, the sea, the air... all the living beings with whom we share this Planet. Because they do not belong to us. We must treat others as our equals and forget the sense of belongingness that prevails when we think of the creatures with whom we live. All that is happening is difficult to be understood from people’s point of view, and comprehending it from the most ordinary perspective, can be rather complex. This wonderful project is promoting, since it's beginning, not only new relationships within our country, but also international ones at a very high level. For this to become a reality, something further than instinct will have to be involved; it must be felt with the heart. The pillars of something very big are being forged and will transform these troubled and painful times in many different ways. Hopefully, time and our lives will be witnesses of something truly beautiful.
José Manuel Vilanova.
President of Lumbini Garden Foundation
History of the Jade — According to different Buddhist traditions, in the middle of the fifth century B.C. the Buddha Shakyamuni (Gotama) arrived to Mandalay, in Myanmar. There he noticed the spirituality that emanated from White Jade due to its features of purity, brightness and softness. From there and up to date, this precious stone with such special properties is considered auspicious, noble and carrier of well-being. Jade was used in the carving of Buddha figures as well as their representations, to such an extent that the white khan Burmese jade was also called “Buddha jade”. It is considered the best possible material to carve Buddha statues.
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